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  • Hannah Blount


“Raymond! Can you hear me Raymond?”

He could hear a faint tap tapping on the window behind him. He had fallen asleep again wondering where she had gone. The room was stage lit by an unforgiving heated glass sun, the small table next to him had changed to an auburn brown and his hands resting on each fading arm of the chair, finally started to warm. There had been no heating in the flat for a week. His digital calendar clock, placed directly in front of him with numbers and letters enlarged, told him it was the 2nd of February 2016 and it was 3pm. He was sure he had to be somewhere, didn’t he? He wasn’t so sure, where was Mary? Ah yes, he remembered now, she was with a friend today, always with Jane on a Thursday, was it Thursday?

“Raymond! Can you hear me Raymond? Are you there? I’m coming in Raymond, are you decent my love, bought your favourite comic book?”

Raymond rolled his eyes, here we go again, he thought to himself, Superman’s arrived to take charge.

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